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ganar bitcoins Come scambiare correttamente criptovalute in rubli. Istruzioni passo dopo passo Ci sono diversi modi per prelevare legalmente e in modo sicuro i beni digitali, come il bitcoin. Spieghiamo l'intero processo in dettaglio Ci sono molte opzioni per ritirare la criptovaluta e scambiarla con denaro fiat. Questo può essere fatto attraverso gli scambiatori, direttamente dagli scambi, in contanti di persona e in altri modi. Vi parliamo in dettaglio di ognuno di essi, dei possibili rischi e commissioni e vi spieghiamo se e come pagare le tasse. Scambiatori Il modo più popolare per prelevare criptovalute è attraverso gli scambiatori. Servizi speciali permettono di vendere criptovalute e poi inviare il denaro a una carta bancaria, un sistema di pagamento come PayPal e altri. Passo dopo passo, si presenta così: viene selezionato uno scambiatore; si specifica la criptovaluta e l'importo da ritirare; In cambio, lo scambiatore specifica l'importo che vuoi ricevere, i...

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ganar bitcoins Cómo cambiar correctamente criptodivisas por rublos. Instrucciones paso a paso Hay varias formas de retirar legalmente y con seguridad los activos digitales, por ejemplo, el bitcoin. Le explicamos todo el proceso en detalle Hay muchas opciones para retirar criptodivisas y cambiarlas por dinero fiduciario. Esto puede hacerse a través de intercambiadores, directamente de intercambios, por dinero en efectivo en persona y otras formas. Le informamos detalladamente sobre cada una de ellas, sobre los posibles riesgos y comisiones y le explicamos si debe pagar impuestos y cómo hacerlo. Intercambiadores La forma más popular de retirar criptodivisas es a través de los intercambiadores. Los servicios especiales permiten vender criptomonedas y luego enviar el dinero a una tarjeta bancaria, un sistema de pago como PayPal y otros. Paso a paso, se ve así: se selecciona un intercambiador; se especifica la criptomoneda y la cantidad a retirar; A cambio, el canjeador especifica l...

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Bitcoins verdienen Investoren und Journalisten vergleichen die heutige Mode, in Kryptowährungen (wie Bitcoin) zu investieren, mit dem amerikanischen Goldrausch in der Mitte des 19. Andere vergleichen die Manie für digitale Währungen mit der niederländischen Faszination für Tulpen im 18. Die Zeit wird zeigen, wie lange Bitcoin und ähnliche digitale Währungen Bestand haben werden, ob sie der neue Goldstandard werden oder in Vergessenheit geraten wie der Tulpenwahn in Holland. Digitale Währung Digitale Währungen oder Kryptowährungen sind elektronische Geldeinheiten, die von Computernetzwerken generiert werden und anstelle von traditionellen Währungen verwendet werden. Das Bezahlen mit einer digitalen Währung ist nicht dasselbe wie das Bezahlen mit einer Kredit- oder Debitkarte, PayPal oder ApplePay - all diese Zahlungssysteme richten sich an traditionelle Währungen wie US-Dollar, britische Pfund und chinesische Yuan. Eine Einheit digitaler Währung hat einen Wert, der beim Umtausch tr...

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earn bitcoins How to correctly exchange cryptocurrency for roubles. Step-by-step instructions There are several ways to legally and safely withdraw digital assets, such as bitcoin. We explain the whole process in detail There are many options for withdrawing cryptocurrency and exchanging it for fiat money. This can be done through exchangers, directly from exchanges, for cash in person and other ways. We tell you in detail about each of them, about possible risks and commissions and explain if and how to pay taxes. Exchangers The most popular way to withdraw cryptocurrency is through exchangers. Special services allow you to sell cryptocurrency and then send the money to a bank card, a payment system like PayPal and others. Step by step, it looks like this: an exchanger is selected; you specify the cryptocurrency and the amount to be withdrawn; in return, the exchanger specifies the amount you want to receive, in rubles for example, and the address you want to send the coins to...

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{ earn bitcoins | cryptocurrency mining | how to earn bitcoins fast | make bitcoins | earn bitcoin online | earn bitcoin fast | investing in cryptocurrency | earn crypto | how to make money from cryptocurrency | earn with cryptocurrency | earn interest on bitcoin | earn cryptocurrency } I want to cash in my cryptocurrency. How can I not violate anything? In 2021, the Digital Financial Assets Act came into force in Russia. Cryptocurrency has been popular for several years, but the government has made its first attempt to regulate this market and levy taxes on crypto-income only now. Ekaterina Kuramysheva, head of MDC Law, explained the meaning of the new law, and TJ backed up her words with an experiment - she bought a cryptocurrency and tried to withdraw it into an account. Material prepared with the support of MDC Law Why is this law needed in the first place? Cryptocurrency has long been a part of financial and civil circulation. It is stupid to fight against it. On the...

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I want to cash in my cryptocurrency. How can I not violate anything? In 2021, the Digital Financial Assets Act came into force in Russia. Cryptocurrency has been popular for several years, but the government has made its first attempt to regulate this market and levy taxes on crypto-income only now. Ekaterina Kuramysheva, head of MDC Law, explained the meaning of the new law, and TJ backed up her words with an experiment - she bought a cryptocurrency and tried to withdraw it into an account. Material prepared with the support of MDC Law Why is this law needed in the first place? Cryptocurrency has long been a part of financial and civil circulation. It is stupid to fight against it. On the contrary, the state should start earning taxes from cryptocurrency transactions. How sensible is it? Unfortunately, the law in its current form raises a lot of questions. I believe that when the law was passed, there was not a single specialist in the working group who had any contact with crypt...

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What is bitcoin in simple terms This is the ultimate guide to cryptocurrency: why the average person needs it, how it differs from conventional money, and why bitcoin is worth as much as an aeroplane wing. If you still think you don't need cryptocurrency or are afraid to use it, this guide is for you. I have roubles on my bank card, why do I need bitcoin? Remember when Apple Pay appeared and we started paying directly from the phone? It turned out to be much easier to tap your phone than carrying a wallet, and everyone made the switch instantly. In the same way, cryptocurrency makes many money transactions easier. Ultra-low fees In September this year, a transfer of 45,500 bitcoins ($20 billion) was made and the sender paid a commission of just $6.5. By comparison, to transfer $100 via Western Union, you have to spend $5. Accept payments if you are a freelancer and work at the beach Cryptocurrency is indispensable for digital nomads: global citizens who travel frequently an...